Appointment Hours:

  • Tuesday - Saturday: 10AM-6PM

  • Sunday - Monday: Closed


Contact us:

4970 Grey Wolf Lane
”Buffalo Heights”
San Angelo, TX 76901

Phone: 325-274-0016
Email us at:

We appreciate you and thank you for choosing The Baer Bakery

Owned and operated by Steven and Kelly Baer, we are The Baer Bakery LLC. We are a registered and insured cottage bakery, which means we bake all our items from home, from scratch, with real ingredients you can spell. We are a husband and wife team and pride ourselves in providing exceptional baked goods and service.   

About 95% of the photos you see here are courtesy of the mega talented Chelsea at


Do you have a storefront?

No, we are a cottage bakery. We bake everything from our home, falling under the Texas Cottage Food Act.

Do you have ready made items or is everything pre-orders?

We have our bakery trailer out regularly throughout the month with items ready to go. You can see our locations/times for pick ups in the events page.

Are you insured?

Yes, of course. All bakers should carry insurance.

Can you park at our business or event?

Please email us for all trailer event inquires.

Is your bakery free from common food allergens.

No, we are an allergy friendly cottage bakery. We do have all common allergen ingredients on site. As a food allergy family, we take food allergies extremely seriously. When we work with an allergy friendly order we re-wash and sanitize all work surfaces and equipment. We only work on that bake at a time as to reduce the possibility of cross-contamination. But because we do have common allergens on site we cannot make any 100% guarantees. We are happy to discuss this with each client if you have additional questions or concerns.

What food allergies can you accommodate?

We can exclude many common food allergies such as: Gluten/Egg/Dairy/Peanuts/Tree Nuts

Are there food allergies or restrictions you cannot accommodate?

We do not bake soy/sugar/corn free. We also do not bake dietary restrictions such as Keto/Paleo/reduced sugar. Combining multiple allergies does pose some challenges so if you have multiple restrictions please email us and we can discuss options with you.